Lotta Engberg reveals the harsh words of Marianne Mörck


Marianne Mörck, actress of "Bonus Family", visits "Lotta på Liseberg" as an artist, and Lotta Engberg is happy to talk about her first encounter with the artist

– I met her for the first time 26 years ago. A few years ago, says Lotta Engberg in the program

The artist would perform with Mörck at the Malmö Concert Hall, and the first meeting in the newspaper became intensive. Engberg himself was nervous and slightly delayed.

– When I arrived on the newspaper, it was "Marianne Mörck and Lotta Engberg". Marianne Mörck, who is it?

READ MORE: Divorce Lotta Engberg in TV4

Dirty Tips from Marianne Mörck to Lotta Engberg

"Lotta on the Liseberg" Programmer Packed When Marianne Mörck Suddenly stormed into the room – sharing at least intimate songtips.

– She said, "Oh God, what Lotta likes to meet you and it will be so much fun to sing together, god what a beautiful dress you have, I only have rags, do not wisely look at something about it, what do you want to sing? I will sing the opera and this is not a problem, it's not a problem s there it pleases Lotta, "reveals Lotta Engberg in the program, and ends:

– I can say that it has become love at first sight.

READ MORE: Lotta Engberg on the new life after divorce

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