Louise Hoffsten doubtful of all the better



Participation in "So Better Better" is one of the hottest Louise Hoffsten of her career.

It was harder to land after check in.

– It will be like a void. It's in such a state that it's easy to start laughing, "says Louise Hoffsten at Nöjesbladet.

Tonight stands Louise Hoffsten, 53, lucky to see their songs performed in "So better better". Something she was looking forward to.

"It's a wonderful succesor and it's now a bit like giving birth to children. It's been so long since I live with this, so it's good that the child will end up going out, she says.

Hoffsten had his big breakthrough in 1993 with the album "Rhythm & Blonde" and hits like "Let the best man win" and "Hit me with your love".

Despite a long and successful career, this is the first time that the singer asks herself the question of participating in the program.

"I have done a lot of TV in my life but I have never had the question" so much better "before.

For over twenty years, Louise Hoffsten has multiple sclerosis, a chronic nerve disease. As a result, it was not easy for her to thank the program.

"I had to think one and two and three times before daring to say yes, the crucial thing was that I feel safe with other artists," she says.

"It is clear that my diagnosis was a big part of my hesitations, but I told them where I am going and doing exercise made me think that it would be like running a marathon. was prepared.

Louise was not the only participant to have had to stay calm during the recordings.

– me and Charlotte Perrelliwho was pregnant, had to leave and rest to gather power from time to time, she says.

Even though it was a bit heavy, energy also contributed.

"So much better" is one of the funniest things I've ever done. I feel that I have so much power. I walked around and I always had that feeling. It's harder to land later when you get home, she says, and continues:

"But I was prepared, because I had already agreed on the situation, after difficult periods of work, it would be like a void, it was in such a state that it was easy to start joking or killing. She said with amusement.

Hoffsten refers to the void that often occurs and the lack of kickers in everyday life after, for example, an intense tour.

Even for an artist with more than three decades of experience, performing songs in front of their colleagues is a scary experience.

– It's the hardest thing you can do. Completely silly. I was so nervous that it was not true. Sit in a small room for other artists and present their own interpretation of their songs.

1 out of 2 | Photo: Robin Lorentz-Allard

Louise Hoffsten.

But getting their songs performed was something completely different.

– It was like celebrating his birthday many times. Each song was like a little present, she says.

Hoffsten does not want to weigh one of the favorites among the interpretations of his colleagues, but would like to raise one.

Linnaeus Henriksson gave a speech in front of her interpretation and the meeting with her deeply touched me, she said.

How are you now?

"Just thinking about registering on Gotland makes me feel good, in addition to exercise, when the drug does not bite any longer, there is not much I can do. take one day at a time.

"So much the better" is sent on Saturday to. 20:00 in TV4.

That's the dream montage 0:40

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