Lynchings in India are accused of the government


Thousands of people in India were killed when oppressed people attacked people who were excluded from social media as members of their infancy. Now Whatsapp has changed in its favor to encourage rumors – but some believe that it is the government that is ultimately responsible.

Mourning family members hang a portrait of Bala Krishna, a 33-year-old riot driver murdered earlier this year by a crowd raised in front of his home in Korremula outside Hyderabad. Folkhoppen went on the attack after rumors spread through social media that the kidnappers were kidnapping ravaged kidneys in the neighborhood. The government has demanded that Whatsapp's messaging service take steps to prevent the kind of unfounded rumors from spreading. Image: Mahesh Kumar A./AP/TT

Attacks took place in several parts of the country and led to the death of at least 25 people. Votes have been cast to limit the use of social media in various ways to curb development. The government specifically requested that the Whatsapp messaging service take steps to prevent the spread of unfounded rumors of this kind. And recently, service representatives told them to change certain features to limit the number of times and the speed at which a user can forward messages.

But shooting at the messenger does not lead anyone, says Ashok Swain, researcher on peace and conflict. University of Uppsala

– Blaming social media, something that took place in the debate is naive. Of course, it is very easy to spread rumors, but Whatsapp is only a medium – which can be used for both good and bad, says Ashok Swain, expert in India

– The government is the root of the evil. that attacks and killings took place in rural areas, where the level of education is low, is a factor that matters, said Ashok Swain. But the root cause of the problem is the Hindu rhetoric by which the BJP ruling party and Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power in 2014. The government has created a monster, and when the beast comes out of the cage, it does not come into power. is not easy to stop. Most of the victims were not Hindu.

– This is a campaign launched by the party. They are themselves committed to spreading a variety of false rumors, it is the foundation of all their philosophy. They also legitimized citizenship and encouraged people to do justice to themselves, says Ashok Swain, open to the fact that he is as a private person critical of Modi and his policies.

But also other researchers with whom TT spoke confirms the picture. Polarization in India has become increasingly powerful in recent years. The groups face each other, and many times the victims of the lynchings were also outcasts.

As politicians, Modi is controversial – and very popular. For the sympathizers, he appears as a savior, especially for his great projects for Indian affairs.

Balance can be difficult for Modi, as his successes are based on nationalist propaganda returning home with much of the Hindu population. In the name of nationalism, everything was allowed. But today, the government and the police are working with civil society and must act more vigorously, says Ashok Swain.

In recent years, the so-called lynchings of Muslims have increased, writes the Times of India. They are called private beef eaters, carnivores.

– This is another terrible expression of India's very segregated India, says Ashok Swain.


Background: Lynchings of False Rumors

The Lynchings are not a new phenomenon in India. It is a crime with ancestral ancestors, which has mostly hit the destroyed groups and other marginalized and stigmatized groups. Historically, it has been used to maintain social hierarchies with violence and brutality.

Recently, a series of lynchings have been noted. They took place after the rumors of kidnappings spread through the WhatsApp email service.

WhatsApp recently stated that a fast message sending function is suppressed in India and that the number of times that a user can send is limited. Whatsapp owned by Facebook has its largest market, with more than 200 million users, in India.

The last wave of lynchings in India took place in May 2017 in Jharkand when seven people, including two brothers, were killed after spreading rumors. Various men who belonged to kidnapper networks for children

In In less than eleven different states, people have been murdered since the incident, after similar rumors. Indian authorities work with information campaigns of all kinds, but they have little effect.

For example, eight men were attacked last July by a crowd elected in the city of Dhule in the state of Maharashtra in western India. Five of them were killed. The eight men were accused of being pedophiles, rapists and kidnappers after social media rumors. Three of them managed to fly while the other five were killed with pants and other cults.

At the end of June, a woman was killed and three others injured when a lynx job of a hundred people attacked them. The women were attacked in the state of Gujarjat, in western India.

Sources: Time of India, BBC and others


Narendra Modi

Born in 1950 in Gujarat.

Joined Hindu national organizations as young people. Later in the right, Hindu Nationalist Party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Troloved at the age of 13, including an 18-year-old marriage with the two-year-old Jashodab.

Governor of the State of Gujarat 2001-2014. Accused of ordering the police to be passive during the infamous massacre of Muslims in 2002, he was released by the Supreme Court of India

becoming the 15th Indian Prime Minister in May 2014 as BJP and its allies won the most convincing election victory. Since then, has introduced economic reforms and launched campaigns for a cleaner India and stopped violence against women.

is a popular leader. According to a survey published by the Pew Research Center last November, 83% of Indians consider that the economic situation is good and 88% have a positive opinion of Modi

has 41.9 million followers on Twitter. It is said that the vegetarian has a modest lifestyle. An exception, however, is the costume that he wore when visiting US President Barack Obama in India in 2015. The golden striped striped suit consisted of his full name "Narendra Damodardas Modi" in lowercase letters. The suit was then sold to a diamond dealer for the equivalent of 5.4 million crowns and ended up in the Guinness record book as one of the most expensive clothes sold at auction

Source : Country Guide, Pew Research Center and others

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