Macron and Merkel attempt a European Union to sell arms to Saudi Arabia


Angela Merkel has previously asked that the investigation into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi be investigated and that the culprits be punished. Merkel has so far stopped all German arms exports to the country.

Macron showed a different parameter. The French president said Friday that he found populist to bring arms sales to the UK in this context.

– What is the link between the sale of arms and the murder of Mr. Khashoggi? I understand the connection with what is happening in Yemen, but there is no connection with Mr. Khashoggi, said Macron at a news conference quoted by AFP.

At the top of Saturday In Istanbul, Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron discussed the consequences of Khashoggi's assassination. The two leaders will now try to reach a common position of the EU countries.

"Once we had more clarity on what happened, we decided to try to find a common European solution and possible sanctions from all the Member States. that we are negotiating on common values, "Merkel told reporters in Istanbul.

Prime Minister Stefan Löfven told the ND earlier this week that the murder was to be the subject of a thorough investigation by the Saudi authorities and that Sweden had spoken about it in contact with the country.

Saudi Arabia has many times changed his version of what happened at the consulate in Istanbul a little over three weeks ago. The country now admits that Khashoggi was killed at the consulate.

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