Macron on the bodyguard scandal: A betrayal – I am solely responsible


Last week, what was described in the French press as the biggest scandal of French President Emmanuel Macron since coming to power in the spring of 2017.

On July 18, Le Monde magazine published a clip where the Macron's bodyguard The collaborators Alexandre Benalla launches into violent attacks against the demonstrators of the first day in Paris. Benalla was supposed to have been in place with riot police to watch their work, instead of controlling themselves – a criminal offense – and resorting to violence against protesters

President Macron's attackers attacked

. Blundering

Benalla was temporarily suspended from his service, but as the event has now been published in the media, he was also fired. He is now, together, with more known officials at the incident during the police investigation.

The political opposition in the country has been aggressive to the government in favor of the dark event – also a possible break in the law – and politicians are regularly solicited

Macron: "A betrayal "

Tuesday night, while his party was getting married in Parliament at the end of the summer, Macron finally took the magazine out of his mouth to comment on the incident.

– What happened on May 1st very seriously. For me was treason, betrayal, said the president.

– If you are looking for a responsible person, I am and I alone. It's me who trusted Alexandre Benalla.

"He has never been my lover."

Macron also drew laughter among his colleagues when he took the opportunity to dismiss several myths that flourished in the press. why the Elyseepalatset should have darkened the incident.

– Alexandre Benalla never had access to nuclear codes. He has never had a salary of 10,000 euros. He's never been his lover, said Macron, aimed at earlier rumors that he should have had business with various influential men in France.

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