Macron responds to Trump by his spokesman that he lacks common modesty


While France fought 130 people killed in the terrorist attacks of November 13, 2015, the US president quarreled with an article on Twitter in which he was upset by the criticisms made by Emmanuel Macron at the time of the attack. against the "nationalists" pronounced during a speech pronounced Sunday in Paris.

A number like Donald Trump together listened.

Macron then warned against the contribution of the First World War to nationalism and the emergence of fascism, calling nationalism "for a treason of patriotism".

Donald Trump has repeatedly been labeled a "nationalist".

When Donald Trump went on Twitter on Twitter, he raised a series of critical entries against France and Emmanuel Macron. Macron has a low rate of popularity, France's unemployment rate is higher than that of the United States, France preventing the United States to sell wine, France does not pay its share to the Alliance of Defense, NATO, according to which there is no country in the world with as many nationalists as France. – and finished the tirade with: "Make France great again!"

In capitals.

Now Emmanuel Macron answers by his spokesman Benjamin Griveaux in a speech on Wednesday at the Elysee:

– I answer you in two words concerning these publications on Twitter. Yesterday it was November 13th. We celebrated the executions of 130 of our peers three years ago in Paris and Saint-Denis. So, I answer in pure English: the common decency would have been good. I will not make any other comments.

Donald Trump has not answered this question yet.

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