Maja Strömstedt on Niklas Strömstedt and Agneta Sjödin


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Maja Strömstedt.


Maja Strömstedt has signed a contract with one of the largest record companies in the world.

An agreement that she did entirely by herself.

"I know that many think it's my father who settled my record deal, but then it really was not the case, not at all," she told Nöjesbladet.

Single Maja Strömstedt, 20, has himself signed a record deal with one of the world's greatest writers, US Republic Records.

"When I wrote" No fake love ", it's over at one of the New York bosses who loved the song, and suddenly I sat in their office with a big contract in hand, she said.

No benefit of having known parents

It was more of a record company commitment than big money that made him write.

"Since I grew up in the music industry, I know that a significant advance is only a costly loan because everything will be paid back. But Republic is surprised that I come as an artist and I feel more important in this situation.

Maja's mother is the program manager Agneta Sjödin, 51, and his dad is a musician Niklas Strömstedt, 60.

Growing up with two famous parents does not always have the same benefits.

"It will be good to be launched in a market where there is no prejudice against me as a person and children of famous parents." I feel that I have fought twice twice to prove that no contact has taken me where I am today, "she says.

"I know that many think it's my dad who settled my record deal, but then it really was not the case, not at all."

"Do not chase success"

But there are also advantages with the respective professions of the parents.

"I learned a lot about how the industry works by following my mom and dad at work during my education. On the tours and television recordings, she says and continues:

"I'm very happy to be in my backpack today, there's also a lot of things Daddy has talked about over the years now, gnawed at it, and that makes me make wiser decisions than I do. would do otherwise.

Can you give an example?

– Do not run after the success without focusing on music, creating and having fun. Then, success is often automated.

With a father who has written several immortal hits, it's easy to get performance anxiety.

– I usually play new songs for mom. She always says that everything is fine. I've also started playing for dad, but I thought it was a little scary because it's still his job.

– Dad is very constructive in his criticism. He has been with me and the brothers. Mom started going a little better there and thinks not only that everything is fine. But it's still a little less fun to play daddy songs.

"I can not wait to fall in the shadow of her"

Maja's television channel, Agneta Sjödin, tells her that she will be on the other side of the Atlantic to support Maja.

"I want to be with Maja when she starts her trip, and I only have to go into her shadow, I do not mind," she said to Malou after ten o'clock.

Agneta no longer has a contract with TV4 and this gives her more opportunities to support her daughter.

– I love freedom. I am supposed to be with Maja in the United States, I can be because I have my writing. The work of the author can be brought with me to anywhere in the world. My dream is to travel with my child in a great and amazing adventure! ", She says.

She keeps:

"Maja is very wise because she chose to pursue a career outside of Sweden, where she is" Maja "and is not associated with us.

The single "No fake love" by Maja Strömstedt is available.

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