Makavali Lindén, 20, fled Oslo to Dijon.


Heikki Bjørklund Paltto was found with a murdered knife at his home in Oslo.

On the same day, at 16:56, the alleged assassin left the city and took the train to Stockholm.

On Tuesday, he was driven to Dijon station, France, after eight days of flying across Europe.

"He brought the train from the north and was seized by the civilian police.All went well," said the police commissioner in Dijon.

On Monday, October 15 at 12:15, the roommates of Heikki Bjørklund Paltto returned home to the common residence of the district of Majorstue in Oslo.

In the apartment, they found their 24 year old friend brutally murdered. The 24-year-old has had a hectic life with around 20 knives.

A little over five hours later, at 16:56, Sweden's Makaveli Lindén left Oslo by train to Stockholm. The train arrived according to schedule for the Swedish capital that evening at 22:50.

On Friday, the Norwegian police came out with a photo of the person suspected of killing Heikki Bjørklund Paltto and committing an armed robbery the very morning of the murder. On the same day that the investigation was opened, the head of the investigator Grete Metlid received the name of the Swedish suspect Makaveli Lindén at the Oslo police.

The 20-year-old Swede has become one of the most hunted men in Europe.

Cooperation with the Swedish police

Before receiving the suspect's identity, the Norwegian police had already established close cooperation with their Swedish colleagues at Fast. The police group cooperated with international investigations.

Sources of transparency in the investigation indicate to Aftonbladet that they have been working since Friday to map Makeneli Linden's movements across Sweden.

This weekend, a breakthrough in the pursuit of Swedish – he was traced back to Belgium, according to Aftonbladet. Sources of transparency in the Norwegian investigation have previously indicated to Aftonbladet that the police had bowed Sunday morning and had received a signal from his cell phone for 20 years.

The way the Swedes went to Europe and Belgium is currently unknown.

"We do not know how or why," says Noa's Swedish Fast Group inspector

But this is the beginning of intensive cooperation with the Belgian police this weekend, which then led the investigation in France. The Norwegian Fast Group learned Tuesday that Makaveli Lindén was in France.

"He was postponed and led to his arrest in Dijon during the day," said an inspector of the Swedish Fast Group, Noa.

The Guardian Commissioner in Dijon confirmed Tuesday night that Aftonbladet Makaveli Lindén was arrested at 4:30 pm at the city's train station.

He came from the north with the Chalon de Champagne train. The arrest was carried out by the civilian police and proceeded peacefully, but they supported the force of intervention, "said the commissioner.

The national police had previously asked the Dijon police to go and seize Makaveli Lindén at the police station.

– He's in a cell at the police station now. Tomorrow, he will be sent to the Attorney General, said a police officer.

Norwegian prosecutor Christian Hatlo said at a press conference Tuesday night that he had been quickly informed that Makavali Linden had been arrested.

"We received the message at 4:35 pm that he was arrested in Dijon, France," he said.

Christian Hatlo welcomes the good international cooperation between the countries of Interpol, stressing that it was an important puzzle to find and seize the Swede.

"We had very good cooperation with several countries, mainly Sweden, but also Belgium and now France," said prosecutor Christian Hatlo.

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Heikki Bjørklund Paltto is killed at his home in Oslo.

Should be released

On Wednesday, Norway will ask Makaveli Lindén to be transferred from Dijon to Oslo.

"We have an interrogation team from Oslo who is ready to go to France," said Grete Metlid.

The distribution of 20-year-old Swedes is likely to be delayed.

– Depending on whether he wants cooperation or not. Unlike his extradition, it can take months, said Christian Hatlo at the press conference.

Neither Metlid nor Hatlo want to give you details about Dijon's arrest.

"The most important thing for us now is to talk to the suspect," Grete Metlid said.

– Some details with which we can not go out tonight, but it is the work of traces and concrete tasks that led to this arrest.

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