"Make sure that Saudi Arabia lies"


HOUSTON. Although the Turkish president is now threatening to disclose all the evidence of Jamal Khashoggi's death, he is far from certain that we will find out what has actually happened.

However, it is true that Saudi Arabia lies and that President Trump wants to avoid punishing Crown Prince Salman at any cost.

Slowly, the tone of President Trump changed as it was probably about "criminal killers" who were behind the murder of the Saudi-critical journalist until some time ago. "darkening occurs".
Nevertheless, the president of the world's superpower continues to pay tribute to the one who governs in Saudi Arabia and is therefore very suspicious about the murder, Crown Prince Muhamed bin Salman, better known as the MBS. Trump calls him a strong leader.
"He can keep things under control," said Trump. I think it positively.

In a somewhat strange but typical Trump statement, he tries to avoid blaming MBS.
– Nobody told me that he is responsible. Nobody has said that he is not responsible. We have not reached this point yet.
It has been more than two weeks since Khashoggi disappeared inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Saudi Arabia is one of Trump's most important allies and usually we would have said everything in the United States.
But Trump probably does not want to know too much, because he may then be forced to intervene against MBS.
Representatives of Democrats and Republicans demand that the United States penalize Saudi Arabia for their role in Khashoggi's assassination. Trump tries to resist everything he can.

Without good relations with the Saudi people, it will be harder to isolate Iran and reduce its role as a regional superpower, one of the most important goals of the president's foreign policy since the signing of the agreement. nuclear power with Iran just before the summer.
He also needs Saudi Arabia to implement his peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians.
The problem for Trump is that the Saudis have manipulated Khashoggi's shop with extreme clumsiness and negligence.

Two weeks after claiming he was leaving the consulate, they recognized Saturday that he had been killed. It must have been broken by mistake in a fight. The goal was "just" to persuade him to return to Saudi Arabia.
The Saudis did not explain how 15 people, most of the security services, went to Istanbul the same day aboard two private jets and left Turkey quickly after the murder.
The fact that they believe the outside world should follow their unlikely version of the course of events tells us what the Saudi leadership's bubbles are.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan is currently increasing pressure on MBS by announcing that it will publish all evidence within 48 hours. The constant leaks from Turkey in recent weeks indicate that the Saudi Arabian consulate was intercepted in one way or another and that it was able to follow the entire line of real-time driving.
It is obvious that Erdogan believes he can use the evidence to gain political advantage. Turkey and Saudi Arabia are neither dead enemies nor best friends. Erdogan resembles the Arab Spring defender and has close ties with the Muslim Brotherhood. A movement like the Saudis has created a vast Arab alliance to crush. Erdogan can humiliate the Saudis to weaken this alliance.
Turkey is trying to appear here as a defender of free media. Really a fate, given that the Erdogan regime has a less flattering world record in capturing opposition journalists.
This story now speaks very little of the assassinated Saudi journalist. Instead, it has become a major policy game with considerable effort.

Photo: Henrik Montgomery / TT / TT NYBYRÅN

Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Crown Prince.

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