Malaysian soldiers killed landmina


A car kamikaze broke out among a group of French and Malaysian soldiers. French soldiers belonged to the Barkhane initiative, which had been commissioned to fight jihadists in the Sahel region of North Africa in 2014.

The spokesman of the Malawi Ministry of Defense said that two French soldiers had been killed. Shortly after, he retracted and confirmed that the two dead were civilians. Later Sunday, the death toll fell to four civilians.

Data on the number of injured are broken. According to AFP, more than 20 people were seriously injured while Reuters reported 31 seriously injured.

A French army spokesman confirmed that a patrol of 30 French soldiers had been attacked and several civilians killed

their lives when their vehicles drove onto a mining ground in parts central of the country. Two others were injured.

In front of the presidential elections in July, the army "increased patrols in the region where local conflicts are tense," said Governor Sidi Alassane Toure

. , a civilian and two perpetrators were killed in a suicide bombing against the African G5 Sahel counterterrorism force.

Facts: Mali

Mali is located in West Africa. On the surface, the country is almost three times larger than Sweden and sparsely populated, especially in the north. Of the 18 million people living in Mali, almost half are under 15 years of age. Poverty is dispersed and mortality high as well as emigration

The country was a relatively stable democracy from 1992 until the coup of the state of 2012. After the coup d'etat, the country has been in conflict with Tuareg separatists and Islamist terrorists. In 2013, the United Nations sent a peacekeeping force, called Minusma, to Mali. It also includes Swedish soldiers.

Attacks have been targeted several times in recent years on targets related to Westerners. In June 2015, a peace agreement was signed between the government and rebel forces, but unrest persists

Source: Foreign Policy Institute
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