Malin Åkerman about Metoo: "A very delicate thing"


Malin Åkerman moved from Sweden to Canada at the age of two. For 14 years, she lives in Los Angeles, USA, where she plays the role of actress. She watched carefully the meto movement take off this fall

– I think it's wonderful that everyone's voices can be heard. We need a big cultural change. Especially for women, we are in 2018 and we still have to fight for some rights. It should be equal, says Malin Åkerman, and continues:

– But that goes both ways, so be careful not to be a witch hunt. Sometimes it went a bit too fast and some situations turned out not to be true. It's a very delicate thing, but at the same time I think it's wonderful that everyone dares to speak and that everyone has a voice.

"It's a very delicate thing," says Malin Åkerman about the meteor movement.
Tomas Ledin, composer and author of the current film [19659000] NORA LOREK
"Part of my heart" has the first Christmas in 2019.

Have you been involved in metoo?

– It is clear that you are young and as a model involved in some scenarios in which you do not want to be involved. But luckily, I was very lucky in this industry and I was not involved in anything that I could not say no.

Swedish First Project

During the summer, the Swedish Swedish star is back in his homeland to record the movie "Part of my heart."

This is his first Swedish project

– It looks like a small independent film in America. There everything is so big, it is more calm. There is no hierarchy, no one is bigger or better here, says Malin Åkerman.

READ MORE: The songs of Tomas Ledin become a new musical film

The film is a musical, entirely influenced by the music and lyrics of Tomas Ledin . The artist himself describes it as an exciting project.

– I have very high and high expectations. It's a fun project. For me as an author and songwriter, it's very entertaining and surprisingly too that the songs end up in such a context, says Tomas Ledin

Positively surprised

In "Part of my heart, "Malin Åkerman plays the character Isabella. During the recording at Thorskog Castle in front of Lilla Edet, she tells him how it feels:

– It's so beautiful! For years, I've been looking for the right script, so come here. It's great to be able to do a musical and dance.

READ MORE: Malin Åkerman returns to Sweden – for his career

The actors sing and dance in the film and Tomas Ledin explains that he is agreeably surprised.

– There may have been some anxiety, because that said and that there is some credibility, I think it is still important. But everyone here delivers one hundred percent and more, so there was no problem.

He says it can be personal when someone else is singing his songs

– A lot of songs that I have lived with for many years, but I'm happy with # 39, hear how others interpret them. Especially Malin Åkerman and Shima Niavarani who are women and sing the songs, they are put in a completely different perspective. As an author, it's amazing to live.

Director Edward de Sillén describes the film as a challenge.
Edward de Sillén makes his debut as a director and says that it is a dream.

A Logistical Challenge

Also, director Edward de Sillén explains that the recording, which has lasted about a month, was a challenge.

– It's so much bigger than a regular movie because we sing and have new versions on songs and big dance songs. The number of dances we do today, for example, is 80 people in a park moving simultaneously in one scene.

Malin Åkerman and "Part of my heart"

Malin Åkerman, born in 1978 in Stockholm, made his debut in 1997 in the series "Earth: final conflict". Since then, she has been featured in such films as "27 Dresses", "Love in New York", "Rock of Ages", "Watchmen" and television series such as "Billions" and "Woman's Trophy."

"Part of my heart" is a romantic sentimental film based on the music and lyrics of Tomas Ledin. The film is first Christmas 2019.

The roles include Jonas Karlsson, Christian Hillborg, Shima Niavarani, Pernilla August, Per Andersson, Johan Ulvesson and Johan Rheborg.

The film is directed by Edward de Sillén, produced by Patrick Ryborn and was written by Lars "Vasa" Johansson

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And the film, which inaugurates Christmas 2019 will not be the last thing Malin Åkerman does in Sweden.

– I really want to do more! If it turns out that it's a good job and that good people are involved, I think it's really exciting, "she says.

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