"Mamma Mia" sexy revelation of the star on Abba


Christine Baranski, 66, is one of the stars who returns to the lead roles of the musical film "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again". Abba has always been an important part of the life of the actress.

– Being part of this is a blessing. Abba has always been with me over the years. I would be an idiot if I did not really like playing Tanya in this movie, it's a wonderful experience of my career, both movies, "she said.

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The actress tells us that the film revives the feelings and l & # 39; love of people for Abba. You have to pass the time because it would have a breakthrough according to Baranski

– You have not missed Abba, it's part of his life … The background music for a special moment With the movie, we have a new wave of enthusiasm for Abba

sensual and joyful music

Christine Baranski describes the music of Abbas as merry, the actor describes how music gets believe in love and attract people of all ages.

– Their music is so joyous and sensual, it lasts for several generations, there is so much cynicism and When we listen to Abba, it reminds me to be on a dance floor and let her live sensually, she says.


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