Manor or town hall when Trump and Putin meet?


One of them is the Hilton Helsinki Fisheries Village, next to the Gulf of Finland and a few miles northwest of the capital.

Tuesday Helsingin Sanomat reports that the rural Königstedt of Vantaa, a few kilometers north of Helsinki, may be considered too small. The newspaper writes, referring to a source at the Foreign Ministry, that the government would prefer to have the meeting in Helsinki. It is supported by local authorities who want to market the capital for an international audience. The large crowd of foreign journalists expected in Finland before the meeting of July 16 can spit on a hospital reception.

From the point of view of security, the police should prefer the rural Königstedt and more easily watched. As it may be heavy, the next few days will show

Now the decision does not exclusively concern the Finnish government. Proposals that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now likely to present will be presented in Moscow and Washington, which will then have to say yes or no – or make their own wishes as to where the meeting will be held, writes the Hufvudstadsblad of Swedish language

. plans a meeting with Vladimir Putin at the beginning of the meeting, with the help of interpreters. It is only after the deliberations continue, the US President is ready to release advisers and others in the delegations, writing the news channel, referring to a source of transparency in the planning of the Finnish meeting

Initiate meetings with other heads of countries at the individual level, before the accompanying delegations can join. For example, when Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un met in Singapore in June

Read more:

Enthusiasm in Helsinki before the summit

Russian participation in US elections on the agenda of Helsinki – and Ukraine

Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki on July 16

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