Måns Zelmerlöwe luxury store was sold – forced to lower the price


Måns Zelmerlöw, 31, sold his luxury apartment in central Stockholm

The exclusive penthouse was sold in October – the auction price was then SEK 9,975,000.

Måns Zelmerlöwe's fiancé Ciara Janson, 31, has just become pregnant. Måns Zelmerlöw wanted to sell the house to move to London and lead a family life.

However, due to the new requirements for amortization, the housing market has been slow. Despite the many speculators, the attic was difficult.

– The best penthouse in Kungsholmens. There are so many things that you can not find in other floors. The bath with views, the large terrace, the walk-in closet and the large social area with windows on two slopes, exposed beams and a dark floor. Plus the big ceiling under the corner for all the friends who sleep, said celebrity broker Niklas Berntzon.

READ MORE : the legitimate tail of Zelmerlöw in Ciara on the birthday

After the price drop – the floor was sold

The May 25, Måns Zelmerlöw and Albert Ossian, son of Ciara Janson. The birth was made at Lund Hospital, the artist's hometown, across a planned section of the emperor.

"Everything went well, everything is in the right place and it is adorable!" The singer wrote in a text

the price of the apartment Måns Zelmerlöws in Stockholm of half a million crowns.

On June 29, housing advertising was removed from Hemnet. Niklas Berntzon confirms for Aftonbladets Hans and Anna Shimoda that the soil was sold:

– I do not want to comment more than it is true that the article is being sold at the price that Måns desired, he says .

Helene Wigren, press contact of Måns Zelmerlöw that the artist abstains from commenting.

READ MORE: Zelmerlöw Nails of the Moon – throws out all the clothes

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