Margot Wallström: Millions depend on support


When Sweden resumes today the presidency of the UN Security Council for a month, it is stronger than in 2017, according to Foreign Minister Margot Wallström (S). For a year and a half, Sweden has been building links and forging alliances with other countries

. She discusses a number of particularly important issues: children in armed conflict, the situation of women and the climate

What can Sweden accomplish in one month?

– We have already made draft resolutions and proposals and we have built trust that is important to raise issues.

Margot Wallström mentions several priority conflicts such as Yemen, Syria, North Korea and possibly Myanmar. With regard to the situation in Yemen, one wants to prevent an attack against the city of Hodeida and, with the help of the UN Special Representative Martin Griffith, seek a political solution.

– Yemen is currently very urgent. If you have a major attack against Hodeida, it's an indescribable suffering and misery that already exists there. Millions of people are dependent on humanitarian aid.

– Then we already know that a number of problems are expected, it is monthly or annual reviews of the situation.

However, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the situation in Nicaragua does not come under the Security Council because the conflict does not currently threaten international peace and security. Instead, the issue is discussed at the United Nations Human Rights Council or at the General Assembly. The UD also follows the situation in the country

The UD provides an internal reconciliation Monday on the situation in Nicaragua and therefore does not want to comment further on the issue.

Before the United Nations Backåkra meeting in Skåne in April, Wallström described the mood of the Council. as hilarious with rhetoric among the member states, especially because of the war in Syria.

To some extent is better, to a certain extent, says the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

– There was an improvement in the climate and conversation after they were here. When you came here, you agreed to try to keep a lot open and trustworthy. But there are conflicts that are not resolved with something superfluous, which is very clearly in the work of the Council, especially between the United States and Russia. There are also other countries that are also difficult, especially in terms of human rights and the way in which the Council approaches them. In the Middle East, we also have very different positions. There is nothing you can do, politically, you have to solve it.

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