Marianne Eldebrink finished her life at the clinic in Switzerland


In 2003, Marianne Eldebrink was diagnosed with the unbearable ALS paralysis. Prior to that, she had become a Swedish junior champion and was working as a sports instructor in a number of schools. Her daughters Frida and Elin are both players in the Swedish basketball team.

Now, LT reports that Marianne Eldebrink chose to end her life on July 13 in a dental clinic in Zurich, Switzerland. LT reporters Mathias Jonsson and Nellie Pilsetnek were able to document Eldebrink's trip and conducted the last interview with her.

Ended his life at the clinic

– I informed 400 people of my decision, sending 125 postcards. Many have written so well, I do not understand that it is from me that they speak, Eldebrink told the newspaper.

– The last year has been very hard. I am angry and irritated when people do not understand what I mean. I have always been a fighter today, but now I am no longer able.

Marianne Eldebrink was able to prepare for her death by selling her property and donating the excess of research on ALS. His child was allowed to go down to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland.

Today, death support is provided in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and the United States, Oregon, Montana, Vermont, Washington, DC and the United States. New Mexico. Only in Switzerland, foreigners can receive death.

"Was sick for 17 years"

– Many people ask me how I can make this decision. If I had been old corn, I would not have understood. If you are completely healthy and that life is playing, it's hard to understand, but if you've been sick for 17 years and know where it leads, Eldebrink told LT.

Five years ago, SportExpressen talked to Elin Eldebrink about the mother's illness.

– Mom is so strong that she can handle the most. You know she's biting herself even though it's hard because she thinks it's too cool that she could come here. It's so wonderful to see them in the lobby, "said Elin Eldebrink.

At the end of LT's text," the family asks to be left alone at this time heavy and emotional. "


There are two concepts concerning death or euthanasia Passive deaths are legal in many countries, including Sweden, examples are people who are comatose or who choose to refrain from treating a life-threatening illness.In these cases, the decision of the doctor is taken with the patient or his / her family.

Active mortality is, as its name indicates, a deliberate act that Accelerates death.Most often, this is done with a mix of drugs or medications that are printed by a doctor.

Active help in dying is prohibited in many parts of the world and the only way to prevent death. World Medical Association believes that the medical organization considers it contrary to the ethic

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