Markoolio is still a child | Gothenburg after


A screenplay should not be written as a poem for a young Victorian man with a large bronze lock on underwear. This was understood by Markoolio.

Other summer riders are happy to preach. Marko Lehtosalo takes the lower language instead: the rude words infect the walls of the program as rottungar. The cute and childish metaphors take ninety minutes to move from one side to the other. Without great cultural awareness, sentences are used as "fights".

The Finnish artist is happy to attend the youth. Not only in what, but also what he's talking about. The sentimental shortcuts early in the career are good: the listener is brought back to his teenage years. When you go out to the food stores, keep the lead by drinking big barrels of Eldorado coke and pee a little together in the shower after the mushroom.

Even the hump, this area of ​​lifeless stories, makes Markoolio reasonably new. And when he tells you how pleasure has been swept away by drunk men, the emotions are transmitted through the headphones.

In his way, Marko Lehtosalo is still a child – it is with the simplicity of a child that he describes his sign of life. His summer program is perfect for this reason.

Summer Raters 13/7: 13 Åsa Wikforss, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy (Ulla)

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