Markoolio rebounded against Sanna Nielsen at Allsång on Skansen in 2018


Markoolio has reported Sanna Nielsen for a little love bread – in the middle of a hot live broadcast.

He was trying to ask a question for several years

– I can say one hundred percent that I was not prepared That said Sanna Nielsen afterwards.

Four years ago Marko " Markoolio " Lehtosalo and Jessica Westergård became married spouses.

Among the wedding guests were Sanna Nielsen ] and her partner Joakim Ramsell . And when it was time for Jessica to throw the bride's bouquet, he found himself in Sannas' arms.

And now, Markoolio wanted to know – when should the couple really get married? In the live broadcast, he demanded an answer.

– Now we are wondering if everyone is this year or next year because the wedding will take place. Answer a simple question, he says in the program.

Sanna Nielsen burst out laughing and replied:

– You can not do it directly. We'll see, we'll see the corners. I caught the bride's bouquet and it was pretty good. I just left a little.

And the general manager was told to be put to bed by the sudden question.

– I can say one hundred percent that I was not prepared, says Sanna Nielsen when the Nöjesblad meets her in singing schools. Well, it's time for a wedding now. So it was his little market. Very funny when things happen, it's here and now and you really do not know what to answer and it's fun.

Have you shot a little now in your ear now backstage then?

– No, it's just fun. Live and in front of all. We invite you to

1 of 2 | Photo: Anna Tärnhuvud

Markoolio and Sanna Nielsen in "Allsång på Skansen"

Markoolio himself laughs well

– I thought I attacked her on stage and asked her when she was going to get married. Is this year or next year? But I did not get a correct answer, he says, and continues:

– She was probably not ready to go so hard, I think. I heard when she introduced me that she was talking about the wedding, so now I'm squeezing her a bit, I was thinking in a live show so that she would not get into it anymore. do not go.

– Yes, the bride's bouquet was fine for a long time.

According to tradition, whoever catches the bride's bouquet is the next to be married.

"All song on Skansen" airs Tuesday at 8 pm on SVT1 and SVT Play

Do you remember all the hosts of "Allsång på Skansen"? 01:01