Martin Gellin: Republicans fail without Trump


Immediately after Donald Trump's visit to Helsinki, White House chief of staff John Kelly began crisis management. He frantically called around influential Republicans in Congress, asking them to urge Trump to make a new statement, withdrawing his words of sympathy about Vladimir Putin. Several senators have also referred to allied countries in Europe to remind them that the United States remains their friend. The note with Donald Trump's speech Tuesday, where he apologized in principle for the Helsinki press conference was simply falsifying the criticism of his own party colleagues.

In the speech, a remarkably frustrated president tried to assert that he had really contradicted what he said at the press conference with Putin, where he defended the Russian government .

Trump remains the most popular Republican in the United States.

There seems to be no one in Washington who thinks Trump was serious about using all of his use, but the target audience was just party colleagues in Congress. Thanks to Trump's new comments, the Republicans hope to soon be able to leave Trump's diplomatic bombing in Europe.

Despite the Republican's criticism of Trump after the meeting with Putin, there is no indication that Trump's political stance will change. He has a simple explanation. Trump remains the most popular Republican in the United States. His confidence among Republicans is 90 percent. There is no Republican in Washington who is getting closer to these numbers. The Republic that defies Trump may therefore be expelled from the party and challenged during the primaries.

The Trump Crisis Management Model is still recognized by previous controversies, such as the video where Trump fights sexual assault, or the press conference after the Extreme Extreme terrorist attack in Charlottesville, where Trump defended the New Zealand sisters. In both cases, we first saw a series of upset Twitter messages from half a dozen Republican senators who became known for criticizing Trump on a regular basis. Many of them retire in the fall and therefore have no political risk.

Subsequently, Trump pressed by a councilor and the Senate Speaker, Mitch McConnell, will make a promise where he will reluctantly try to stifle his previous comments. These statements give Republicans a chance to say that Trump has been misunderstood. There is a gray area around the scandal itself, and Republicans can soon move on to other issues. At the same time, Trump's nuclear voter, or in this case Vladimir Putin, knows what he really thinks.

Every serious Trump scandal shows experts claiming that Republicans are about to turn away from Trump immediately. It's a fantasy that lives only on ponders of thought, editions of news and a little click of conservative intellectuals. In fact, Trump remains by far the most popular Republican in the United States and it would be a political suicide for a Republican congressman to challenge him.

Trump has already destroyed many politically decent boundaries, disregarding racist statements, unfaithful relationships in which he paid women for silence, or the open corruption and nepotism that characterize # 39; administration. Endangering US national security and international alliances built by the United States since the 1940s may be a new level for Trump, but that has not changed the domestic political dynamic that makes Washington Republicans him. remain faithful. They need Trump to hold their seat in Congress in November.

Soon, Republicans will have to meet to approve Trump's appointment to the Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh. It's a decision that can have consequences for American politics for many decades to come. It is unlikely that a single Republican Senate will remember the Helsinki press conference in Helsinki while it is ready to vote for Kavanaugh.

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