Mashed by jubilant players – the photographer continued the album


AFP photographer Yuri Cortez has the habit of keeping the biggest football matches up close, but not as close as during the World Cup semi-final between Croatia and Japan. # 39; England.

In the second quarter overtime, a few seconds after Mario Mandzukic hit 2-1, viewers traveled the world to see how Cortez was mushed by jubilant Croatian players. As a real pro, Cortez continued to take pictures

photo: Yuri Cortez / AFP

After England took the lead early in the match, Ivan Perisic saw in the second half to recognize and take the match for extension. When the match minute by minute came close to a penalty decision, Mario Mandzukic hit and scored 2-1, and then ran to encourage the photographers on the short side. When the teammates that he caught the goalkeeper collapsed the stack of players directly above Yuri Cortez – who quickly broke an unusually narrow series of pictures. Photography: Yuri Cortez / AFP

More information .. photo: Yuri Cortez / AFP

Yuri Cortez / AFP

Photography: Mladen Antonov / AFP
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