Massive noise in Malmö – a hundred people involved


Hundreds of people were involved in the noise, writing the police on their website.

"The police is up with a lot of resources and is currently in control. The evacuation of parts of the park is underway, the police get an idea of ​​what happened," writes initially the police.

One person was removed from the site and about 50 people were rejected from the site.

– We have disposed, kidnapped and rejected several people, "said Rickard Lundqvist at the Police Management Center

– We hear people there, witnesses on the spot, among others, and reinstate the police. order 19659006] Many have seen the World Cup final in the park

The location of the site has just set up before half past nine.

– We have control now and have a lot of resources, says Rickard Lundqvist

The sound has occurred in People's Park where many have been and have seen the finals of the World Cup.

Football fans reportedly had to start stumbling upon or in a restaurant in Folkets Park.

Then the guards tried to intervene.When the security guards intervene, a large number of people attack the attackers.

Two people arrested

After the arrest, the police stopped two people who are now suspected of violence against officials.

One of those arrested is kept in the hospital, under police custody with injuries.

The guards are badly damaged

Two guards suffered less serious injuries because of the violence they suffered.

None of the guards needed hospital care at the present time.

Text is in the process of being updated

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