Massive threat commercial war for American jobs


The US Chamber of Commerce is now criticizing President Donald Trump's trade war. The US Chamber of Commerce expects hundreds of thousands of jobs to be lost

Monday's meeting between US President Donald Trump and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has become a remarkable agreement. Mark Rutte interrupted Donald Trump several times when the president said the result would be positive whether the United States agrees or disagrees on trade issues.

"No, it will not be positive." We must find a solution, "said the Prime Minister

. The president also receives criticism from the largest US business lobbying organization, the US Chamber of Commerce. In a new analysis, the organization estimates that 760,000 US jobs are directly at risk from already imposed duties and vehicle taxes that Donald Trump has threatened to introduce. This is due, among other things, to the fact that the price of steel has increased by 40% this year after the administration has introduced import duties.

Overall, the Chamber of Commerce estimates that 2.6 million jobs could be at risk. in trade disputes with China and the EU.

"The administration threatens to undermine the economic success it has so hardly achieved.We should strive for free and fair trade, but this is not the right way to follow, "said Tom Donohue, president in a statement

Taxes on cars would have more negative effects than other measures implemented or threatened. It estimates that tariff imports account for 1.8% of US GDP, compared to 0.2%, for example, for imports covered by steel and steel tariffs. ;aluminum. "The main effects on growth and inflation on a global scale," write analysts.

Donald Trump asserted himself on the occasion of Mark Rut's state visit that the EU and the US will begin trade negotiations. Probably, he referred to the invitation to Washington that the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker accepted.

Juncker himself said that he would repeat the same message that he presented to the US President at the same time as the G7 meeting in Canada. June. Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström previously rejected direct trade negotiations between the EU and the US as long as the Trumpad administration threatens to introduce new obligations.

Meanwhile, global vehicle giants continue to prepare for new functions. As well as American GM like German Volkswagen, today announced that they are ready to move the production if necessary.

By the end of the week, the United States is expected to introduce additional import duties on Chinese products of $ 34 billion or SEK 301 billion. China has promised to respond to countermeasures of the same magnitude as, for example, US agricultural products.

This weekend, Canada introduced new tariffs on US products. On Thursday, the corresponding rights will come into force in Mexico.

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