Matthew Whitaker is currently the biggest threat to Russia's investigation


Donald Trump did not wait much hours after the election results before dropping his car on Jeff Sessions, one of Trumps' earliest followers. Since the sessions, for the sake of hesitation, have overshadowed the control of the Russian investigation, there is a cradle under the eye of Trump, who called him, inter alia, "traitor "," South State stuffy "and" mentally retarded ".

Read more: The US Secretary of State, Jeff Sessions, dismissed

Now, Matthew Whitaker is moved to the Deputy Minister of Justice from his position as Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor for more than a year. A month earlier, he had written a debate article
CNN, where he claimed that the investigation of the special prosecutor Robert Mueller in Russia was too ambitious and that a possible review of the president's finances would be a drop of water.

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The perception is identical to that of Trumps and both believe that the former supervisor of the Russian inspector, the Deputy Minister of Justice, Rod Rosenstein, had not given Mueller powers too. extended. The wording of the mission "Any questions that may arise or arise during the investigation," said Whitaker, should not be interpreted as widely as Mueller or most other critics.

If the Minister of Justice of Whitaker remains to be seen, but no one can believe that the next Minister of Justice will allow Mueller to work undisturbed and unconditionally. Trump may just want to be in his usual Whitaker position where, according to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, he was the eyes and ears of the President of the Department of Justice.

Read more: Trump against new attacks against sessions

Whitaker is the one to trust Trump and they are well matched, perhaps for his hammered pondus, which is usually a quality comparable to the value of Trump. His own political career after several years in a law firm gave two defeats: the election of finance ministers at the headquarters of Iowa in 2002 and the national senatorial elections of 2014. On the other hand, he exercised the functions Attorney General in Iowa for five years after the appointment of President George Bush.

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