Mattias Guter leaves Timrå for Luleå – information at Sportbladet


Karlskrona's former kingship king, Mattias Guter, 30, did not succeed to newcomer Timrå.

And as revealed by Sportbladet, he is now ready for SHL's competitor, Luleå.

"Throughout the season, I hope to help the team by stacking a few choices," he explains on the Luleå website.

Mattias Guter was one of the heaviest and oldest demands of SHL. But Forwarden did not have the same speed of sheet music production as at the beginning of the KHK season he had had in the last three years. In twelve games, Guter scored 5 points (2 + 3).

The sports magazine earlier this afternoon revealed that the solution had become a move north of competitor SHL, Luleå.

Now, it has also been officially introduced.

"A difficult team"

"Before the season, Mattias Guter participated in the discussions on the constitution of our team and when it is available, it will seem like a good addition.Mattias has its main features in the offensive with his ice skating and his goalkeeper. "He is a player who can create opportunities by himself, said managing director Stefan Nilsson.

Luleå needed an attacker since the young Isac Lundeström had done so well in the NHL that Anaheim had chosen to keep him. In addition, Patrick Cehlin is in the long term with brain injury problems.

"During my seasons at SHL, Luleå Hockey has always been a tough team to meet – it's a team that runs a lot of skates and has been in the face all the time." I hope to connect and do part of this team, "said Guter, who will debut on Skellefteå on Saturday.

So many SM Gold have SHL team 0:26

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