Meghans sister in celebrity big brother


The intrigues around the Duchess family have been largely rewritten, which was not appreciated by the British royal house. Recently, it was clear that Meghans' nephew, Tyler Dooley, 25, had his own doctrine of growing cannabis.

Now half-sister Samantha Markle, 53, is ready for the next Big Brother season, postponing page 6.

On May 19, Meghan, 36, married Prince Harry, 33. Samantha Markle was not invited to the wedding, although, according to information, she requested an invitation.

READ MORE: The Hard Words of the Sister at Meghan – About Daddy

"Life is about to cash in "

Information about the sister's involvement should not be confirmed. Samantha Markles, in an interview with Inside Edition, suggests that she's getting rid of it, writes The Mirror.

In the interview she asks the question of rumor.

– Why not?, Replies Samantha Markle enigmatically.

She continues …

– You seize the opportunity when they get up and hope you enjoy the ride and make it as positive as possible. Samantha Markle says

– There is nothing wrong with that. .

READ MORE: Meghan's parent sells cannabis – gets a drama

The sister tells the tense relationship

The media has noted Samantha Markle's words about the tense relationship with the sister. She has already written several articles on Twitter directed to the Duchess, where she wrote, among other things:

"If our father dies, I will keep you personally responsible," says the sister, "according to the Daily Mail. [19659002] According to Samantha Markle, it's even herself who is hiding behind the paparazzi photos taken on sisters father Mark Mark.The pictures created headlines before the wedding.

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