Melkemichel celebrates Djurgården's defense against the European League



First European match for Djurgården in ten years.

Before the home game against Mariupol, Özcan Melkemichel scored a key goal-goal as key to advancing – while adjusting his defensive back.

– I think we have the best Swedish midback game, he says. Rosenborg. 0-5. 2008.

The last time Djurgården played out in Europe, they were crushed by the big Norwegian club Trondheim.

Tomorrow the titles of the Ukrainian FC Mariupol will be welcomed in the second round of the European League. and Djurgården is the first in ten years. We worked hard to get here, says Özcan Melkemichel team coach at Wednesday's press conference

Scouting the Resistance Well

As "Blåanden" is the reigning champion of the Swedish Cup, they were able to play in the first qualifying round. instead of focusing on locating his opponent thoroughly.

– We saw them playing live in Istanbul, and we watched the last game against Zorja Luhansk. We have a clear picture of how they want to play – both offensive and defensive. We must surpass ourselves to go forward, says Melkemichel

– We know that there are two games against Mariupol. In the first home game we have to win and keep zero. Erik Johansson and Özcan Melkemichel at the press conference

"There is enough competition"

Just the goalkeeper sees the coach of Djurgården as the key to advancing future qualifications

Despite being a tight match in both the European League and All-Sweden for the club – and thus in rotation – he is not worried that the defensive stability that has permeated Djurgården's game has recently erupted. . ] – I think we have the best Mittbackar game in Sweden. Erik (Johansson) who has entered the team now is incredibly good and has come in the right direction. Because we have hanged above all Swedish – and we do not want to lose it – we have to turn. But there is enough competition, says Özcan Melkemichel

Erik Johansson, Jonas Olsson, Marcus Danielsson, Jacob A Larsson and Niklas Gunnarsson are available

Must click out of the plan

The first, Copenhagen FC Erik Johansson do not think that it is dissuasive to come as a new midfielder in Djurgården, despite the fact that there are already a lot of other players in the post.

– This only proves that we have succeeded in team building. There should be competition at this level, otherwise you have failed. The fact that we are stable upside down means that we can build our offensive on it, he says.

Even if you've been in the club for a while, it seems like you and Jonas Olsson have a good cooperation. How do you look at it?

– Yes, we work well together. We played together a little in the national team and I know him both as a football player and as a guy outside the plan. It's definitely easier to play together if you click outside the shot. That's the case for all players in the team, says Johansson.

All shooters in Allsvenskan since 2008 00:53

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