Migrants at the destination – meet protests


Hundreds of migrants arrive at the US border and the biggest clown is coming soon. Mexican locals demonstrate and throw stones against the group.

The border continues in the ocean on the beach between Tijuana (Mexico) and San Diego (United States).picture: Gregory Bull

About 750 people arrived on Wednesday at the Mexican border town of Tijuana and a hundred more joined on Thursday.

Groups of people walk along the highway, into the city, with their belongings at the back. In a short time, the majority of the 5,500 migrants who crossed Central America are expected in recent weeks.

On the other side, the boundaries of the United States are San Diego.

"I feel better now that we have reached the limit." Tired, but it's better. "It's been a month since I traveled, with my four daughters, to Miriam Fernandez, 32, from Honduras.

Hundreds of tijuanaboras gathered to protest in the park where the migrants gathered. They sing the Mexican national anthem and shout slogans against the migrants. Some throw stones, even against children, according to the AFP correspondent on the spot.

– We do not want you. Would you like us to come to you and drop on you? "A woman shouted.

Mexican Secretary of State Alfonso Navarrete said the protests were triggered by rumors, saying the migrants had missed out on food and clothes that residents had donated. He urges Mexicans not to "criminalize" the big group. An on – site human rights activist said that a number of migrants had refused to sign up for Tijuana, fearing that their data would be left to US authorities.

Before the mid-year elections in the United States, President Donald Trump said, without reason, that the group of migrants is full of gang criminals and people from the Middle East. He called the march to the border of invasion and sent 5,800 soldiers to strengthen the border guards.

The people in question have left their homeland, such as Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, a country characterized by poverty and among the worst in the world. One of the reasons for the group's resignation is that gang criminals in Mexico, in particular kidnap or regularly kill vulnerable people.

If and when they seek asylum in the United States, they may face a long wait. US migration authorities are currently processing 700,000 cases.

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