Migrants camped on border bridge with Mexico: "I will try again"


Hundreds of migrants from Central America camped overnight on the bridge that separates Guatemala and Mexico. He reports the Reuters news agency, which has been set up. During the day, the migrants collapsed with the Mexican riot police.

Many of them nights are pressed directly against the metal barrier. Most of the Reut representatives who spoke do not know how to go about obtaining the necessary documentation for the asylum process. But some of them are determined to try.

– I am going to fight. I will try again, said the Honduran Hilda Rosaas, fist in the air, surrounded by her four teenage children.

Migrants wait at the border with Mexico in the hope of entering the country. The ultimate goal is the United States.
Migrants wait at the border with Mexico in the hope of entering the country. The ultimate goal is the United States. Photo: Moises Castillo / AP

Read more: Migrants rushed to Mexico – Pompeo speaks of "moment of crisis"

She comes from the city of Tegucigalpa and gives the answer that comes back when migrants wonder why they moved to Honduras.

– You know why: no work, violence.

The majority of people on the bridge come from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, who are among the poorest and most violent countries in the United States.

Adults and children are among those trying to travel to the United States.
Adults and children are among those trying to travel to the United States. Photo: Oliver de Ros / AP
Migrants wait for the bridge after closing the entrance to Mexico.
Migrants wait for the bridge after closing the entrance to Mexico. Photo: Moises Castillo / AP

In the caravan of migrants, there are farmers, bakers, housewives and students. Solitary travelers and entire generations.

José Ramon Rodriguez, A 40-year-old construction worker from El Progreso is sitting on the Guatemalan side of the bridge, head down and his nine-year-old son by his side.

"Tomorrow we will be at home," he told Reuters. People around agree.

Others are already getting rid of the bridge. Adriana Consuelo says she paid 25 pesos to the owners of floats, which is a little less than 12 dollars, to cross the river with a beautiful rubber tire. She told the Mexican press to Reuters that no one was looking at any documents after landing.

Migration experts, with whom Reuters spoke, said Mexico has stepped up efforts to stem the flow of migrants.

"Whenever such a caravan appears, the police are sent to the southern border, but we have never seen anything like it," said Eunice Rendon, of the Migrant Diary.

The migrant caravan had The eyes of the outside world ignited after reaching Guatemala on Monday. According to the Mexican police, it was composed of about 4,000 people Friday night. But after conquering a border strike and getting in touch with the Mexican riot police, the group was split.

The objectives of the caravan are the United States and President Donald Trump has formulated several threats: the closure of the border with Mexico, the withdrawal of aid to a number of Central American countries and sending military to the border.

On Saturday morning, the Mexican government strongly criticized the actions of migrants. In a televised speech, President Enrique Peña Nieto declared that the conquest of the border strike "lacked contradictions" and accused some migrants of using violence against the border police. He found that Mexico "will not allow anyone to enter the country by illegal or violent routes".

Governments of Honduras and Guatemala is cooperating to reverse the train of migrants, including with the help of non-police personnel on the spot.

"We will continue as long as necessary," Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández writes on Twitter.

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