Millions of dollars for waste research


Since the 1990s Västerbotten County Council has invested millions of dollars every year to support leading research projects. The aim of these spearheads is to ensure that northern Sweden has access to highly specialized care and that Västerbotten continues to conduct competitive medical research at national and international levels.

The ten researchers The spearheads of the Västerbotten County Council for 2018 and benefit from support for the next three years are:

Magnus Domellöf, professor and chief physician. Determine if improving the nutritional intake of pregnant women and children can reduce the risk of later behavioral and learning problems.

Bethany Van Guelpen, university lecturer and doctor st. You want to identify and evaluate risk markers for colon cancer and colon cancer in order to make individual recommendations on lifestyle changes and colonoscopy.

Richard Palmqvist, professor and chief physician. Study how the colon in the large intestine affects the development of an existing colon cancer.

Annika Rydberg, Professor of Pediatrics and Chief Physicians. To study the link between genetic changes and disease in young people with hereditary cardiovascular disease.

Fatima Pedrosa Domellöf, professor and chief physician in ophthalmology. Gets spikes to study the eye muscles at the cellular and molecular levels. The goal is to better understand the unique functional properties of the eye and the functioning of its resistance to a number of muscle diseases.

Anders Blomberg, professor and chief physician in pulmonary medicine. To study the health effects of the lungs and cardiovascular system caused by air pollution by fossil diesel, carbon neutral biofuels and electronic cigarettes.

Thomas Brännström, Professor of Pathology and Chief Medical Officer. To study the pathological mechanisms of ALS, as well as the development of new treatments and diagnostic methods.

Daniel Öhlund, university lecturer and doctor st. Focused on his project on pancreatic cancer, a tumor disease with very high mortality. The long-term goal is to design drugs that can prevent the growth and spread of the cancer cell.

Pernilla Lundberg, professor and surgeon. Should study dental and implant solutions. In part if you can identify people who can develop and develop effective treatment methods.

Christina WestLecturer and Chief Medical Officer Obtains flagship assessments to examine how, on the one hand, the child's eating habits and gastrointestinal tract, from fetal life to infancy, affect the risk of disease associated with allergic diseases.

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