Mini tsunami in Mallorca: "God what high waves" | new


On Monday, the Spanish islands of Majorca and Menorca suffered from strong winds and strong waves, which many tourists and Swedes living in the area saw in social media.

Mainly the city of Ciutadella in Menorca and the cities of Andratx and Alcudia in Mallorca

Mini-tsunamis, so-called weather tsunami, landed and in some places reached the waves on the roads and the areas above the beaches.

Lena Ahlström, 65, of Stockholm, lives in Palma was in Santa Ponsa in southwestern Mallorca.

– There was no talk of jumping into the sea. There were waves rising from one and a half feet to two meters, she said.

Sun beds were flooded and tourists were forced to go to higher ground to avoid water. However, there was no major danger.

– This was not dangerous, but it was an incredible shot all the time and the waves were rushing. We climbed on a small plateau to avoid getting wet. But it was not dangerous and no one really felt worried, "said Lena Ahlström

Most tourists had already left the beaches.

Photo: Lena Ahlström

" God What high waves "19659011] In Mallorca and Menorca videos, we can see how the water is hit by the cities.

One of the clips shows how a small boat is dragged under the Water next to a larger sailboat fired at sea.


In other videos, you can see how well it is. Water rinses slowly in the streets and roads, as well as in restaurants, bars and cars, which can easily be reminiscent of an ordinary tsunami.

At the same time, more boat owners were trying to 39, prevent their boats from being removed at sea.

– It is clear that it was a pheno Odd meteorological leads, and I thought "God what high waves" and I have never seen it flow down to the restaurant, the v is very strange, says Lena Ahlström.

Three people died earlier

A meteorological tsunami occurs due to changes in air pressure, in contrast to a common tsunami caused by earthquakes

The waves rarely reach 1.8 meters but 1979 killed three people in Japan due to a weather tsunami.

No injuries were reported in Majorca and Menorca and most of the tourists had already left the beaches.

Much shared on Facebook

One of the worst places was Alcudia in northern Mallorca.

Sweden's Jens Blylod, 44, lives in the mountains of Bonaire. minutes outside Alcudia.

– It was noted only on the border of Alcudias. It is very flat, and the waterfront is at the beach level, so it does not require a lot of water to drain. "

Jens Blylod worked as a guide in the region in the 1990s and does not remember any meteorological tsunami

Jens lives in Alcudia

Photo: Private

– But that is happening now for several years in a row, and they mean that more and more occur at regular intervals

After the Monday's water masses, Jens Blylod went down to town to check the water.

– Everyone started sharing it on Facebook, so I took the broom to check for water there, he said.

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