Missing values ​​cause reactions


Leif Gustafsson cleaned homes, both mortal and relocated, for fifteen years. For him, the most important thing is that the customer is a priority and respected.

– You have to focus on the client, he says. When it comes to the death penalty, it becomes even more important to be clear because it is already a lot for the client to keep track. Gustafsson also insists on the importance of being responsive when working with customers who have just missed someone.

– I know how you live in your own bubble.

Another awareness and feeling different from a cleaning house. But Gustafsson does not think that one is harder than the other, but everything needs to be done with the same precision.

– You must be able to handle death, otherwise you are in bad industry, he says. Missing values ​​

The customer wants to spend some time in the accommodation and recover it, see also Gustafsson. This also applies to being flexible and giving the customer more time if needed, and most importantly, it is important to check one more time before cleaning. Entering a house earlier than planned with the client is unthinkable for him.

– Me and my employees just shook their heads when we read it. We think we only have to answer that, he says.

He admits that misunderstandings can easily occur, but he also believes that it is important to contact the client an extra time to understand it.

"The customer should never have the impression of not having talked about it," says Gustafsson.

According to him, it is the responsibility of the company that the customer gets an agreement and feels safe, especially in an unstable situation.

If you can not show consideration for such cleaning, he does not think you are doing the right thing, and the fact that there is a company that does not understand the importance of it makes him upset.

– I became both disgusted and sad when I read it. One can really question the fact that the company can continue its activity, explains Leif Gustafsson. [ad_2]
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