Modified Firefighting Recommendations – MSB


MSB during the day re-evaluated the recommendation to municipalities and county councils for a sharp fire ban announced on July 25. According to an earlier assessment, the extended ban would apply until August 1st.

Due to the current fire risk forecast, which shows significant local and regional variations, MSB is now withdrawing this recommendation.

It is important that the public be kept informed of firefighting and fire hazards

In the future, fire risk values ​​will fluctuate considerably over time. time and geography. There is uncertainty about the outcome of the forecasts, as any rainfall will fall locally.

– The risk of fire risk differs widely across the country, and it is also important that you continue to exercise great caution. It is important for the public to receive the latest local and regional news via the municipality or county administrative website. The reference can also be found at, says Britta Ramberg, director of MSB's operation.

As deeper layers of soil are highly dehydrated there are always risks for extended fires of land and forest. Even though it's raining, the forest and the land will quickly be able to wilt at rest and the fire hazards will quickly reach very high values.

– Since fire risk levels can quickly increase again, it is important to be ready to quickly strengthen fire fighting if necessary, concludes Britta Ramberg.


MSB Press Service
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Telephone: 070 – 321 88 74

The Swedish Civil Protection Agency and D & C Emergency (MSB) is responsible for developing and supporting society's ability to cope with accidents and crises. We help society prevent events and be ready when they occur. When a serious accident or crisis occurs, we provide support. We will also ensure that society learns from it.

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