More than 200 dead in the Mediterranean


Last weekend, 204 people died outside the Libyan coast while they were trying to cross the Mediterranean in smaller boats, says the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Thus, more than 1,000 people died in total in 2018.


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Swisha has a money to: ] 123 401 876 8 [19659008] – There is a frightening increase in the mortality rate off the coast of Libya. Human traffickers are exploiting the desperation of migrants to escape before other actions of Europe on the road across the Mediterranean, "said Othman Belbeisi, chief of the IOM in Libya, in a press release.

It is Saturday that European leaders have found a compromise solution on a common refugee policy. This means, inter alia, the creation of a common asylum center, modeled on a UNHCR proposal. One of these centers should be in North Africa and your refugees in the Mediterranean will be taken to seek asylum from a distance. Asylum centers are also planned for European lands, but it will be voluntary for the countries to establish them. Volunteering was a requirement of Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland as a boycotted summit.

– I am not satisfied because there is no agreement on the distribution of asylum seekers in all EU countries, said Prime Minister Stefan Löfven at the SVT after the meeting.

Infant Among the Dead

Among the accidents of this weekend, the worst occurred on Friday when 103 people died after the diversion of a boat that the IOM describes as "completely uncertain" . Among the dead were three babies. On Sunday, 41 people were rescued by the Libyan coastguard after the sinking. Throughout the year, the Coast Guard has sent about 10,000 migrants back to Libya, and IOM will now send its general secretary to the country

"Stop Trafficking in Persons"

– I go to Tripoli this week to see the migrant conditions saved, as well as those returning to the land by the Libyan Coast Guard. IOM is committed to ensuring that human rights are respected by all migrants as we try to end human trafficking together, says the Secretary General of the United Nations. IOM, William Lacy Swing [1965] p. getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) returns; js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = " /all.js#xfbml=1&appId=266633096796581"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document, script, facebook-jssdk)); [ad_2]
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