More than 500 tourists are stranded on a working volcano in Indonesia after an earthquake | foreign


The Indonesian government launched a major operation to rescue 560 tourists and guides attached to the active Rinjani volcano after a series of earthquakes on Sunday.

Hundreds of hikers and guides were isolated in Rinjani a day after a series of earthquakes More than 100 aftershocks shook the island on Sunday after the most powerful earthquake

Earthquakes requiring at least 16 deaths and more than 300 injured also caused landslides that cut roads and roads. rock.

It is difficult for hikers and guides to get off safely without help.

Helicopters and rescue teams are now looking for people on the volcano, which is a popular destination for walking.

Rinjani, at 3726 meters above sea level, is the highest point on Lombok which is one of the Sunda Islands near Bali.

The second highest mountain in Indonesia offers breathtaking views of Lombok and the sea and is therefore popular with foreign tourists.

Helicopters dumped water and food on stranded beaches for at least two days. 19659002] – Considering the necessities, they can do at least two days, "says spokesman Spokesman Agus Hendra Sanjaya

– I thought I was going to die, I clung to the ground and j & rsquo; I felt that the scallop lasted forever tells the 23-year-old Australian, John Robyn Buenavista, who was at the crater when the quake began.

  Sunday's earthquake required minus 16 dead while hundreds of buildings were destroyed

Sunday's earthquake required at least 16 dead as hundreds of buildings were destroyed
Indonesia, Lombok, Mount Rinjani

More than 200 Thais

– 560 people still stuck On the mountain, says Rinjani, director of the National Park, who said that hundreds of tourists managed to get off Sunday

Many hikers are foreigners and there may also be Finns among them

. announced at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that they planned to visit Lombok located next to Bali.

Many tourists do not report travel to the ministry and it is possible that there are Finns in the area of ​​which they do not know anything.

Local authorities say that there are Americans, French, Dutch, Germans and especially Thais. active volcano.

  President Joko Widodo visited Monday survivors who lost their homes on the plateau

President Joko Widodo visited Monday the survivors who lost their homes on the plateau
Indonesia, Lombok, Mount Rinjani, Joko Widodo

Damage totals

According to Thailand, there are at least 239 Thais on the mountain and many of them have sent petitions via social networks

– It seemed that the mountain in front of me was in danger. collapsed and stones fell, describes the thaururist Funknathee Prapasawat on Facebook shaking yesterday.

The ground shook violently and the walkers lay on the ground until everything was finished, writes Funknathee.

At least 16 people died in Sunday's powerful earthquake that triggered panic and destruction on the tropical volcanic island.

Hundreds of buildings were destroyed and rescue operations were carried out in Rinjani.

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