More than one Respawn game will be released in 2019 – Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order


We previously knew that Respawn Entertainment failed best on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, a game that allowed us to experience the chaos of the Jedi Knights after the publication of Order 66 (the destruction of all Jedis, considered traitors) . The plan is to publish it in 2019, but the fact is that they seem to have it more than once, according to EA boss Andrew Wilson.

At a meeting with investors, he said:

"In several studios, we have new projects underway. [That includes] the Respawn games that should be launched in the next holiday season ".

In short, "games", that is pluralis. This could of course be a mistake, but CFO Blake Jorgensen later said:

"You've heard Andrew talk about" games "in the plural regarding Respawn. Consider that there's still a little Easter egg in the teleconference."

Jorgensen also told us when we could learn more about this still secretive game by saying:

"We will have more to come on this.We will inform people that we are entering the [fiscal] fourth trimester. "

The fourth quarter of the fiscal year of EA is from April to June, which is interesting when the E3 will be released. A sleep is therefore announced that a new game of Respawn Entertainemnt will be announced on the E3 2019. What we are, we do not know, but the lighthouse is of course Titanfall 3, reasonably with the support of the Royal Battle . However, this can be anything other than a mobile game or any virtual reality.

What do you think and do you expect from Respawn Entertainment?

Jedi Star Wars: Fallen Order

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