Morgan Alling jumps "As In Heaven"


One of the stars of the major musical initiative of autumn "As in Heaven" at the Oscar Theater in Stockholm – Morgan Alling – fell ill
Björn Kjellman replaces at the last minute.

The rehearsals are in full swing in a new Swedish musical comedy for a long time. "As in Heaven", based on [19849007] 2004 Oscar nominated film Kay Pollak

Morgan Alling should have played Arne, Lennart Jähkels role in the film.
– Arne is a dream role that I have lived for a long time. Performance is just what I love, an incredibly strong story that is both fun and important, about how we are against each other. So it's incredibly sad not to be able to play but now I have to concentrate on calm. The audience, the Oscar Theater, all the creative team and the amazing whole will miss me. But I'll be back in November and until then, I'm grateful that Björn takes over and wishes him good luck, "Morgan said in a press release

1 of 2 | Photo: amalin [19659006] Morgan Alling

Must be operated

It's fine under the circumstances

Björn Kjellman – a trained actor who has sung in both musicals and at Melodifestivalen – takes over from role to new order.

– Participate in In a Swedish original production, based on a Oscar nominated success, of course, it's honorable.It will be exciting to participate, even though Is on short notice.But boring for Morgan, I would like to hear, said Björn in the press release.

The musical is premiere on September 13. In the main roles is ] Philip Jalmelid ( Michael Nyqvi st in the film), Tuva B Larsen ( Frida Hallgren ), Ekborg Niklas Falk ), Christopher Wollter ] ( Per Morberg ) and Malena Ernman ( Helen Sjöholm

MALE ALLING PREVIOUS FOR THE DEFENSE: "They bought air tickets for the flight. Azerbaijan "