Mortality rate rises after massive rains in Japan


Japan has suffered the worst storm in decades.

The heavy rains caused floods and landslides that brought the entire neighborhood.

About 180 people were confirmed dead. This figure is expected to increase, as many are still missing. The rescue effort is aggravated by the extreme heat.

Extreme clouds have caused tremendous floods and devastating landslides around Japan. Early Wednesday morning, Swedish time, authorities confirmed that 179 people died. It is feared that death figures will increase further, as many are still missing.

About 75,000 police, military and firefighters were searched for survivors. They are desperately searching for ruined buildings and residential areas buried under water.

1 of 5 | Photo: REUTERS / TT NYBYRÅN

Satellite images show how he looked northwest of Yasura (image from October 2017).

Abe attached – in the midst of chaotic weather

The situation is exacerbated by the fact that temperatures in some of the most affected areas are expected to reach 35 degrees. This increases the risk of spreading the disease. In addition, rescuers and those forced to flee their homes may suffer from heat stroke.

The heat may also lead to new violent storms. Authorities warn that more rain can trigger new landslides on slopes where the land is already saturated with water.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe planned an international trip and visited Wednesday in Okayama, one of the most affected areas. In the past, he was severely criticized after attending a party with parliamentarians while the storm was the worst. Abe now promises that the government will pay the equivalent of more than SEK 30 billion to reconstruction efforts

"See more disasters"

Last week, torrential rains swept across vast areas of Japan. In many places, the equivalent of a month of rainfall fell in a few hours. The meteorological disaster is described as the worst of the country since 1982.

Japan is located in one of the most seismically active regions of the world, and the authorities have invested huge resources in protecting against earthquakes. However, the country has not gone as far as work to prevent floods and other problems that heavy rains can cause. This is despite the fact that experts report that climate change can make weather conditions more frequent.

– We are seeing more and more disasters caused by heavy rains. We meet a world where what we have learned from past experiences no longer applies, "said Hiroyuki Ohno, head of the Japan Center for Protection against Land and Landslide Erosion, # 39; AFP 00:30 [19659018] READ ALSO

The death toll is rising in Japan

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