Mountain on vacation at the lights of Athens: "It's completely sick"


Forest fires claimed the lives of 74 people in Greece.
Then national striker Marcus Berg is on vacation in Athens.
– It's very sick, he says to Aftonbladet.

This summer, he rinsed a huge heat wave in large parts of Europe, causing fierce fires in several parts of the continent, as well as in parts of Sweden. During the night to today, two large forest fires have emerged outside Athens, resulting in ashes and smoke in the Greek capital.

Swedish national striker Marcus Berg is currently on vacation with his family in the city. felt from the chaos, which until now required the lives of 74 people.

– Yesterday (Monday) we were on the beach, suddenly there was a big cloud of smoke. We had heard about fires, but we had not understood the scope, he told Aftonbladet.

– This morning, I saw the report as I understood it. . With so many dead and wounded, it was a shock. When I played here, I felt that there were wildfires every summer – but it's very sick, he continues.

Berg still says in the interview that he had to bang the two windows and doors of his residence to prevent ashes and toxic smoke from 39; enter the housing while he was on his Instagram account to give support to the locals.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Greece," he wrote on Instagram.

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