MSB removes its fire warning


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The water bombardments, the ground fighting, the streets of fire and a hand of the weather gave results. After almost two weeks, hundreds of households in the Kårböle area were informed that they could return home. At the same time, MSB withdraws its call for a total ban on fires.

The Social Welfare and Emergency Agency decided Monday to withdraw its recommendation to municipalities and county councils for a stronger fire ban. According to the previous assessment, the notice would be valid until August 1

"The fire hazard forecasts differ widely throughout country, and the common people must continue to be very careful. "Britta Ramberg, MSB's operations manager, in a press release

Although it's raining, MSB warns that forests and fields can quickly dry up and the risk of fire increases rapidly

German firefighters who participated in the fight against fire in Älvdalen, Dalarna, head south in a column of fire and service cars, where they find Germany.

Today, 85 people work in the area.A helicopter monitors from the top to see quickly inflammatory fire heights.Fire found late Sunday night that the fire was under control after two weeks

– He currently seems more positive. According to Mikael Tofvesson, deputy chief of the MSB's Operations Department, the current areas of interest have been reduced twice and one of them has been abandoned

which means in particular more firefighting flights can be returned to their home country. No Turkish plan

– The two Portuguese plans go home Wednesday and make their last day of work Tuesday. In addition, we canceled our request for bouncing flights from Turkey. We believe that we do not need this help at the moment, "says Mikael Tofvesson

. Housing in Kårböle and some small towns in the region are now returning home. According to the County Administrative Board, there are about a hundred households. On the other hand, there is housing in other small communities that have to stay away from their homes.

– The night has been good, there has been no spread and we are starting to enter the area. Previously, we surrounded the area, now we are going into the fire extinguishers, "said Patrik Åhmberg, deputy fire chief at Hälsingland, via the provincial government's Facebook page Monday morning

But he points out that fire does not do not turn off. to last a long time, for sure for a few weeks. However, the fire will not spread.

Dry in the fields

At the same time, meteorologists warn of loud thunder with a risk of love at first sight in northeastern Germany and in the coastal country of Västerbotten. The risk of fires in forests and land is still highly rated by SMHI in most of the country.

Even if the rain breaks out, the center of gravity in the east of the country comes. Rain showers are very local and can leave some areas as dry as before.

– It is more temporary that the risk of fire decreases. If it is not raining, the soil will mop very quickly and it will dry out again. Jon Jörpeland, Meteorologist SMHI, told TT

that after almost two weeks, hundreds of households in the Kårböle area were informed that they could return home

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