My wife left me 3 times


For two decades, police teacher Leif GW Persson and his wife Kim have been a couple. The marriage with Kim is Leif's third.

But the relationship took offense. In an interview with Svensk Damtidning, Leif GW Persson tells me that his wife Kim has broken up with him several times

– yes, three times actually – I'm crazy to be with. But thankfully, this has been arranged, "said Leif GW Persson at the Swedish Women's Newspaper

The police professor already told him how his bad mood had prevented him from nurturing this relationship

– If I am in a good mood, I speak continuously. When I'm not in a good mood or I have a lot of things around me, I can shut up for three months and it's pretty hard to live with one. I have a lot of so-called intellectual interests that take time, Leif GW Persson said earlier.

Injured wound earlier in the marriage

GW who was married twice before joining Kim told the Swedish women's magazine that her previous marriage did not last because of her repeated infidelity.

But today he changed his behavior completely.

Today, the GW values ​​the family differently and the relationship with the Kim woman is good.

– Yes, you become a little wiser over the years … My wife Kim is a very good woman, and my contact with children and grandchildren is good. Sometimes I take them to kindergarten and then we usually go to a toy store and buy something fun. So they love their grandfather and I love them! ", He says to the Swedish women's magazine.

For the Express, GW has already talked about his change in the life of the relationships:

– I'm lying a lot today, but I'm not sure. I was so impressed at the time I was wearing a lot of left pockets.And it was for given recipients: the women I was married with.At the end, it became quite moist. the end, both left and therefore vain lies.

READ MORE: The wife of GW saved her life: "If I were stayed home alone, I was dead "


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