NASA will fly closer to the sun than Ikaros


He calls himself Parker Solar Probe and is a big spaceship like a small car

August 6 – or later because of the weather – he will be sent from Cape Canaveral Florida, NASA announces.

In seven years, using the Venus Plan, build an increasingly older elliptical path around the sun. Such a path makes him spend shorter periods near the sun, and so, according to NASA, it should heat up better.

The purpose is to study the coronary, the "atmosphere" outside the sun, the total solar eclipses light. The coronal is, among other things, behind the so-called solar winds, which can make terrestrial communication systems possible.

Next, Parker will come to 6.1 million kilometers from the "surface" of the sun. It is seven times closer than the previous record, the Helios 2 probe, which remained in the 1970s at 43 million kilometers.

On average, the Earth is 150 million kilometers from the sun, while the planet Mercury never gets closer to 46 million kilometers

The Reuters news agency writes that the Parker probe will be exposed to temperatures up to 1400 degrees Celsius, but that it has heat shields that will keep the instrument temperature below 30 degrees

. said NASA representative Alex Young, according to the website of the authority.

Ikaros plunged according to Greek mythology into the Aegean Sea when his wings melted while he was flying too close to the sun. And even if Parker succeeds in his mission, the probe will arrive at a similar fate – all the narrower paths around the sun will inevitably lead to the spacecraft entering our star.

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