National Guard looking for victims of fire – HD


The number of dead fires in California continues to increase. Now, soldiers from the national court are called upon to help with the search.

The search for the city of Paradise in California continues. Stock Photography.picture: John Locher / AP / TT

A hundred military police specially trained to search for human remains are expected to arrive Wednesday to strengthen research teams already working in burnt places. The research is about what's left of paradise in northern California. The city, located about 28 miles from San Francisco, was completely burned down when the fire swept the end of last week.

In total, 48 people were found dead in and around Paradise, making fire in the deadliest region of California's history. Large parts of the city, about 7,600 homes and 260 commercial properties, were destroyed and 50,600 hectares burned. Thousands of firefighters across the United States are struggling to stop the fire and have managed to control about a third.

The death rate is expected to continue to rise as hundreds of people are still missing.

Two other people were killed in the second fire, called the Woolsey Fire, which raged further south. More than 400 buildings were destroyed. More than 3,500 firefighters would have controlled about 40%.


Fire in California

California has suffered severe forest fires in recent years.

In August 2018, hundreds of fires broke out in that state. Two of them collapsed and caused the fire called Mendocino Complex. It was the largest landfill in California's famous history, 185,000 hectares. The fire was declared in July and fire departments failed to control the fire by the end of September.

The record for the biggest fire in California was then less than a year ago – the so-called Thomas Fire late 2017 had violated more than 114,000 hectares.

The third fire in the history of the state was one of the deadliest. A cedar fire in 2003 burned more than 110,000 hectares. 15 people died.

By comparison, the large forest fires in Sweden covered the summer of 2018 and represent the largest area of ​​about 25,000 hectares.

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