NATO prepares for 90 conflicts with threatening Russia


There are two contradictory images of the Defense Alliance, NATO. On the one hand, Donald Trump with his angry result against the Allies in Europe. On the other hand, the political and military activities of the 29 NATO countries lead the NATO HQ in Brussels

Before leaving, Donald Trump leaves: "The United States pay much more than any other country to protect them, not just with US taxpayers In addition to that, we lose $ 151 billion in trade with the European Union. "

Trump merges NATO's defense costs with its trade war against the EU may increase disagreement at the top. This is contrary to the wishes of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

– In defense matters, the United States, Canada and Europe are making more and more of things. And I am absolutely sure that this summit will give results in terms of security and defense – despite the disagreement we see on trade and other issues, said Jens Stoltenberg yesterday diplomatically.

Read more: Worries before the Nato summit?

In Stockholm, Robert Dalsjö, a researcher at the Total Defense Research Institute, more clearly explains the difference between Donald Trump's rhetoric and the reality of NATO

– even though it's not the same. there is a crazy captain on deck, you work in the engine room. according to the plans. But if the ship thinks of putting the ship down, we do not know it. These processes are ongoing in parallel, he explains.

Dalsjö is one of the authors of a study that showed earlier this year that NATO is today unable to defend its Baltic members against a surprising Russian storm attack. Russia is by far NATO in terms of quantity, quality and speed in its neighborhood. In two days they would reach the capital of Latvia Riga, JTF arrived.

The reason is that the Europeans of NATO, like Sweden, after the cold war, reduced their territorial defenses. Instead, countries have invested in small troops for international peace efforts, such as in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan. Under President Barack Obama, the last American wagon was removed from Europe in April 2013.

  US President Donald Trump and the Melania Trump woman

When Russia annexed Crimea in February-March 2014, the war started in Ukraine, it became an awakening. At NATO, the decline of Europe's defense defenses has reversed. At its summit in Warsaw in 2016, NATO decided to place four army battalions of 800 militants each in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

In Estonia, United Kingdom who (with France and Denmark) is responsible for the NATO battalion, in place for a little over a year.

– The battalion has been extremely useful and extremely important to strengthen the security of Estonia. Estonian Defense Minister Jüri Luik told DN

that battalions can not stop a Russian attack but act as a triple wire – if Russia crosses the border of a Baltic country. should it mean war with the whole of NATO.

Read more: "Now the defense alliance must also be defended."

– Just as during the Cold War, it must be emphasized that if there is conflict, it will begin immediately . It is the idea of ​​three thread forces. A battalion can not make such a big difference, but strategically, its presence is of utmost importance, says Jüri Liege.

Fourteen NATO countries have troops with member states on the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the collective defense of the alliance.

Despite Donald Trump's complaint across Europeans, US support for Europe's defense doubled under Trump. The United States participates in other exercises in the Baltic Sea region, as in the Swedish Aurora this fall, and has armored forces in Poland

With Norway, the United States has concluded their own agreement to endow the mountain areas with the Cold War. 330 naval soldiers are stationed in Norway, since 2019 they will be 700.

– As no US military has come to Sweden, this has not attracted much attention on the people Swedish. But Swedish policymakers are realizing that it plays a major role in ensuring Sweden's security and reducing tensions in the Baltic Sea region, "said US Deputy Ambassador David Lindwall.

As a close NATO partner, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven participates in the NATO leaders' work day on Wednesday night, where Russia's action becomes a theme

Especially, they are in Western Europe and not with the members of the Russian Federation.

– In the Baltic Sea region, it is obvious that you must react very quickly. On paper, NATO has dozens of battalions, but if you look at their readiness, there is a lot to be done, says Jüri Luik.

Therefore, the NATO summit is will decide on 30-30-30-30 This means increased preparation for 30 mechanized battalions, 30 divisions fighting and 30 combat ships. These should be able to save threatened allies within 30 days (see chart). That will be worth from 2020.

Russia rustles in the Arctic, and just like in the Cold War, a Russian defense zone develops into submarines and flies to the & 9 [39[[AtlanticRussianscancutthegainsoftheUnitedStates-thelinefromtheAtlanticOceantoEuropeasdecidedbytheSecondWorldWarAsaresultNATOisalsorestoringanAtlanticcommandandtheUnitedStateshasbeguntobuildasecondfleetfortheAtlantic

A rear command to advance reinforcements should also be established in Germany. It will quickly move troops to Europe, as agreed by the EU and NATO in a joint statement Tuesday.

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