NATO summit: Will Trump be as tough on Putin on Monday as Merkel?



Angela Merkel and Donald Trump at the NATO Summit.

Brussels. If you have not been and watched Donald Trumps twitter, I think you should do it.

There is a 2 minute and 20 second video monologue where the American president attacks Germany.

Trump will be as tough as Putin on Monday while he was against Merkel?

The video is unique in such a currency that we have never seen an American president ever target such a sulphurous ointment against another leader and country to represent one of the most important allies of the world. # 39; America.

Opposed to him at the breakfast table, NATO boss, Jens Stoltenberg, looks faded. A few times during the two minutes, it seems like he's trying to open his mouth to say something, but he does not get jam in time.

This is Donald Trump's own show where he wants to play the lead role

. As Trump himself said, we can draw several conclusions.

His statements that Germany is "fully under Russian control" are not a spontaneous mistake in the heat of war without a carefully planned attack on Angela Merkel and Germany. An attack that he would like to see all his nuclear voters at home. This will confirm to them that their president is working very hard to keep his promises, especially that American taxpayers' money should not be wasted by the United States paying a mass for the defense of Europe


But the attack on Germany is something more.

This is an insult to Germany and Merkel. A provocation

Merkel generally chooses not to take the glove launched. On the other hand, she tried to pass the heavy charges of the American president

– I am happy that Germany is now a free country where we make our own independent decisions, "said the Chancellor at the NATO summit she was wondering what was going on, is Trump trying to destabilize Germany, is he trying to get rid of Merkel and help her? 39? Germany to be equipped with a right alternative?

When the two met later in the day, the atmosphere was at least icy. Trump looked like a cloud of thunder and his affirmation that relations between the United States and Germany were "very, very good" looked like a mockery Merkel tried to keep my good

Sweden criticism

With Barack Obama, Angela Merkel led the free world Now she's forced to run an American president ain who does not seem to endure it. Who takes every opportunity to humiliate him.

Trump's criticism is to some extent hypocrisy. He accuses Germany of becoming dependent on Russian gas with the construction of the new Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. Something that he considers unacceptable to NATO. Sweden is also critical.

At the same time, he will meet Russian President Putin in Helsinki on Monday to improve relations between the two countries. Trump has repeatedly stated that it would be great for the world if the United States and Russia were in good standing with one another and could make a dealer. But apparently, this does not apply to Germany.

Trump's anger is aimed not only at Germany concluding a "market" where we buy Russian gas. The video also contains a passage where Trump accuses Germany of having too little defense spending and not contributing fully to NATO.

Dual Message

All NATO nations agreed to spend two per cent of gross domestic product on defense. Germany now stands at 1.24%

Merkel defends Germany 's contribution every year and essentially puts all German forces at the disposal of NATO. This is also part of NATO's efforts in Afghanistan.
Trump is not enough

– Germany is rich, he says. They should be able to increase their defense expenses directly. We can not tolerate this situation

The NATO Summit could have started better

On the other hand, the United States agreed to strengthen Europe's defense against the Russia in a number of areas.

This is Wolfgang Hansson 00:29

Another round of Trump's double message and indecency.

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