Nervig twisted thriller | Gothenburg after


When the small series manufacturer reclassified Jed Mercurio (the man behind Service line) came with his new Bodyguard conspiracy thriller on the BBC earlier this year, he became a brass success. In addition, the series has launched an exciting debate. After some particularly hectic passages, some viewers felt the need to discuss events on social media. This of course drove other viewers mad.

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Well. Bodyguard is a fierce history with many turning points, terrorist threats, ugly games in the corridors of power and forbidden feelings under the toughest external pressure possible. There are good reasons to do your best to avoid the damage and plan an autumn weekend to stretch out. It's good, really good.

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At first, however, I was a little dubious. It starts with David Budd (Richard Madden, Afghan war veteran, but very competent). Game of thrones) thrown into a terrorist setting on a London suburban train. For his heroic effort, he is promoted personal bodyguard for the difficult minister Julia Julia Julia Julia ( Service line).

The relationship between her Budd's robotics and Montague's project are initially icy, but soon dramatic events begin to pile up on each other, pushing them to forge even closer relationships. There is somewhere I think "is this some kind of updated remake of the old movie bodyguard"You know that Kevin Kostner is suing Whitney Houston – it was bulky.

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But no danger. Soon, the story makes some fast turns and looks more like a steam ladder country Stackar Budd – and the viewer – are well aware of wanting to understand what is going on behind the scenes and who is in the net when threats become serious. Or, if it's a Budd, as with post-traumatic stress disorder after Afghanistan, is this the biggest threat? As a spectator, you are thrown between loyalties and theories as an autumn storm habit.

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There are some Far cold in the thriller building complex, and we can see that such sex scenes is not just the strong side of this TV crew. But as a political thriller, Bodyguard is highly educated, effectively told, continually exciting and unpredictable. In addition, it addresses such topical issues as terrorism, corruption in the corridors of power and what happens when an entire community suffers from mental illness and the basic rules of democracy are eliminated in the game of the nation's security.

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