"Never accepted that she should die" – Culture & Fun


The first time Lars Bygdén, the former singer of the Thousand Dollar Playboys, treated his cancer of frost through music, appeared in the album "Family feeling", which dates back ten years. This time, it's all over – Ulrika regretted the release of the album.

When the couple waited for their second child, the doctors found that the cancer was back. This time, she did not respond to treatment.

Then, Lars Bygdén recorded all the songs of the next album of "Dark Companion", but the publication seemed impossible. Instead, he tore up all the songs and started again, the music became an important retreat.

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Lars Bygdén presents his fourth solo album. "It's always uncomfortable, but it's fun to release a record you're proud of," he says.

We could continue even longer, it is always possible to do better, but ultimately, it is not worth it. Then I also think that I needed it somehow until it was finished. I have not been able to release a record during this time, he says.

TT: What's allowing you to drop now?

It's enough that Ulrika is dead. That the whole period that has been angry and difficult in many ways is over.

Never gave up hope

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Lars Bygdén's most important song on the new album is the song "We're not about to fall apart". "It sounds representative of the whole record, for the sound," he says.

He himself mixed the album – very stupid afterwards, he says, but it was a way to escape the tanks that were painting.

Now, I feel these are my visions, even though it took five years to realize what my visions were. But in the end, I found my own vision of how it would sound like I was very happy, says Lars Bygdén.

TT: How do you manage such a period?

The first reaction is to panic – sadness and panic. As if it continues to feel like that, you can not live, you can not feel so bad. Then you adapt, it's as if the body could not feel so bad, "said Lars Bygdén.

And we hope all the time. She is sick too, even though the logical part of the brain had lost all hope when she was lying on the bed, there was something there … even Ulrika never agreed to die, but in the end this was not on the map.

"It will smell"

Now, a tour with the album is waiting for more intimate concert halls in Sweden and Europe. There are two exits first, one in Stockholm and one in Sundsvall.

Many started crying when they listened to it, that's fine. It's supposed to feel, it's not meant to be like a background pain.

TT: How do you envision the future?

A good thing you have learned is not to be too much present or future. You become a forced fan, even if a council like "you have to live in the present" tempts you.

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