New details on the scandal of the World Cup in Qatar in 2022


New information on the scandal of the next World Cup

Qatar has hired former CIA agents to blackmail their candidature for the World Cup

He claims the Sunday Times newspaper since that they found secret emails. It turns out that Qatar has violated the rules of Fifa, they can not win the championship, said Lord Triesman, former FAamp.

Fifa's decision to let Qatar host the 2022 World Cup has been called into question. The Sunday Times on millions of documents they claimed would have proved that Qatar cut the sound at the championship.

Luis Bedoya, former president of the Colombian Football Association, then confirmed the suspicions by revealing that the Ecuadorian federal champion Luis Chiriboga and Paraguay's Juan Angel Napout had been offered pot-de-sacs. wine.

that he could ask for 10 or 15 million dollars and that the money could be shared between us. We could have made millions, said Luis Bedoya, according to Reuters.

Paid $ 100,000

Now the Sunday Times comes with new revelations.

They found secret emails as they prove that Qatar has paid the former CIA agents and PR agencies to help them spread fake propaganda on applications from other countries.

One of the emails would prove that Qatar paid a professor equivalent to $ 100,000 to write a report that a World Cup would be affected by the United States: s negative economy.

"Is the obligation of Fifa"

In the new Sunday Times revelation, said the former Lord Triesman faampampere. He is now asking Fifa to investigate the new allegations and to act if they can prove that Qatar has de facto violated the rules.

– FIFA's duty is to examine the evidence carefully but quickly, and then to have the courage to take what can prove to be a very difficult decision. If it turns out that Qatar has broken the rules of Fifa, he can not win the championship, he said.

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