New Expo to examine jihadism in Sweden


The left has long had Expo that says to examine "intolerant, racist and right-wing groups". Now, the Doku Foundation begins to study extreme Islamism in Sweden.

The initiators are Sofie Löwenmark, journalist and columnist, Magnus Sandelin, author and journalist, Johan Lundberg, professor of literature and Peter Gustavsson, lawyer. The Doku Foundation is supposed to be considered as an exhibition for a journalistic journal of jihadist circles in Sweden

In an article by Göteborgs Posten, they wrote:

"We hope to remedy the inadequacies of the media and academic surveillance of extremist Islamism Government grants have mainly been granted to various Salafist Islamist groups, rather than to Muslims or non-Muslims who want to pay attention to the idiots of the jihadist environment.Our conclusion is that, in any case, we should first rely on funding from individuals engaged in these matters. "

They launched online fundraising: supporting and supporting JIHADISMEN's largest journal in Sweden

" C & # 39 is a welcome initiative because the media has been relatively mediocre in reporting the phenomenon – even though extremism has recurred nd in society, "writes Corren

while the number of Nazi and highly extremist militants rises to one or D after the assessment of the Swedish security police, the number of 39 Islamists and Salafists who make violence has risen to more than 2,000 people today and does not pose a threat to the security of the country. About 300 went to Syria and Iraq to war for IS. Salafism is the most radical element of Sunni Islam, and several of its ministers pay tribute to the IS and have contributed to the recruitment of terrorists, as shown by a new report from the College of Defense

. As far as our people are concerned, Sweden is a leading country in the export of Islamic terror. Several people with links to Sweden have been investigated and have been convicted of terrorism in other European countries in recent years.

The Doku Foundation will examine the role of mosques in radicalization. Some mosques in Sweden are funded by Muslim states such as Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia – often in exchange for hiring a radical imam by the mosque.

Other countries, such as Austria, have shut down radical mosques, expelled extremist imams, and banned foreign financing of mosques. But the Swedish government is passive and refuses to intervene against Islamic extremism for fear of being labeled racist and Islamophobic.

"It is remarkable that the government has not acted on the basis of current political solutions or support for research and knowledge, but it allows the authors of Doku themselves to finance this important review" , writes Corren. , v, n, t, p)
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