New Ipad Pro faster than many Macbook Pro computers


Of course, you can not compare a tablet and a computer right away. Not really yet. User areas are increasingly overlapping as the hard drive and tablet software become more powerful (for example, Adobe recently announced a full version of Photoshop for iPad), but there is probably still a little bit of time The laptop has played its role. In addition, iOS differs from Mac OS on a number of crucial points, such as storage space and keyboard quality, so many still learn to prefer a classic notebook. However, it is very interesting to note that Apple's new Ipad Pro models now offer such high performance that they can still measure with the company's MacBook Pro computers, which are significantly more expensive. It shows a fresh Geekbenchtest.

No big advance

In Geekbench 4, the 12.9-inch version of the new Ipad Pro gets a single-core score of 520 and a multicore score of 18,227. To put it into perspective, compare with a 13-inch Macbook Pro with Core i7 processor that gets a similar score monochrome, but which seems to be affected by the multicore plate, which totals 17,601 points. However, Ipad Pro does not really reach the 15-inch version of Macbook Pro, which gathers 5,053 points in single-core and 21,165 points in multicore. But on the other hand, it's a fairly even beard, which is a plague in itself. There are many reasons why one can always prefer a Macbook Pro, and we assume, for example, that the graphics performance of the computer can be difficult for the tablet. In addition, you need to buy a keyboard for your iPad to get a comparable user experience. However, mobile devices are on the way and old laptops are purely performance-oriented.

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