New Jönsson League is registered in Norrköping – Arts & Entertainment


Soon, the charming Jönsson League is back on the white screen for a new shock. This time with a whole new set of actors, and directed by director Tomas Alfredson, one of the leading Swedish directors who has also made an international career. The playgrounds are Norrköping and Stockholm

– It is absolutely amazing that the league Jönsson declared by the culture with popular characters and legendary replicas like "I have a plan" will be recorded to some extent in Norrköping There are several famous names in the list: popular actor Henrik Dorsin becomes Master Planner Charles Ingvar "Sickan" Jönsson Ragnar Vanheden and Dynamit-Harry will be played by comedians Anders "Ankan" Johansson and David Sundin. [19659005] Article image ” width=”768″ height=”444″ title=”Anders “Ankan” Johansson spelar “Vanheden”.”/>


Anders "Ankan" Johansson plays "Vanheden"

The project receives production support from SEK millions of Norrköping Film Fund and is expected to create opportunities for Norrköping film professionals as well as for culture and business According to Johan Karlsson, there are several reasons why Norrköping is chosen as a "Registration."

– We received a lot of requests in the spring. You would like to be here because there is a lot happening in the cinematic life in Norrköping. Not less, Crazy Pictures has shown that it is possible to create exciting feature films here. There are many pristine places and buildings that work well in cinemas and cover everything from city and industry to harbor, sea, archipelagic forest, mountain and farmland.

– Many people come here. Norrköping is a big city, with its modern city center and old industrial character. I know that they will use. But one advantage is also close to Stockholm, where there are many production companies. It will be a simple logistics. The distances are short in Norrköping, by car it does not take more than a quarter to get somewhere in town. This is not on the map in Stockholm. In addition, we have very high quality local workers who want to work on large recordings and learn further.

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Henrik Dorsin will assume the role of leader of the Jönsson League, Sickan.

– When we support projects that will register here, they promise to budget to spend money in Norrköping, for example by hiring local laborers, filmmakers in Norrköping, but they also need to buy other goods and services. eat here, says Johan Karlsson

When does the recording start in Norrköping?

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The Jönsson League is back, but this time Ulf Brunnberg, Johan Ulveson and Björn Gustafson are not in the list.

– This is not yet clear.

Do you know where in town this is happening?

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| The Swedish film is usually recorded during the summer, so it may be very soon.

Done and clear: The Jönsson League must be registered in Norrköping

– No, nothing is played.

The new film, which for the moment has no official title, should be biopremier in the winter of 2019. The film is produced by FLX and distributed in the Nordic region by SF Studios.

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